
As a student, faculty or staff member, you have options when it comes to reporting. 黑料网 encourages the reporting of any concerns related to sexual assault and harassment, discrimination and/or bias-motivated acts or behavior, so they can be addressed in a timely manner.

You are not alone and there are members of the campus and outside communities that are available to support you throughout the process from reporting, to investigation, and on to a criminal trial or on campus hearing.

How to Contact Us With Your Concern(s)

Members of the 黑料网 community may make an online submission regarding prohibited conduct by filling out the appropriate form.

Submit Your Concern Online

Select and Submit Your Form

Speak to a Discrimination and Harassment Team Member

In addition to or instead of filling out a form, employees and students can directly email a member of the Discrimination and Harassment Team (DHT) within the Office of Equity and Diversity.

DHT Members

Assistant Vice President for Risk and Strategic Analysis
308 James B. 黑料网 Hall
Vice President for Equity and Inclusion
Associate Provost for Equity and Diversity; Charles A. Dana Professor of Sociology
  • R 3:00pm - 4:30pm (204 Lathrop Hall)
Director of Employee and Labor Relations
Human Resources Building
Investigator, Title IX and Harassment/Discrimination
Director for Diversity and Equity
203 Lathrop Hall
Vice President for Administration
Human Resources Building

Please note that conversations with a DHT member may not be kept in confidence due to ethical and legal obligations to investigate incidents for the protection of all members of the community.

Prohibited Conduct Response Group (PCRG)

If you鈥檙e looking to have an informal conversation for advice and referral, you can reach out to the PCRG, a group of trained employees drawn from across the institution. This group is trained to act as an informal resource for students, staff, and faculty who seek a solution to problems of discrimination, harassment, or sexual assault, or who wish to discuss their concerns before deciding whether to file a formal complaint. Learn more about the PCRG.

A conversation with a PCRG member may not be kept in confidence due to ethical and legal obligations to investigate incidents for the protection of all members of the community.

Confidential Forms of Support

You may contact the following on and off-campus resources for confidential emotional support and healthcare. Sharing details of a concern to a confidential resource does not result in a University investigation or any other action to respond to the incident unless the reporting individual requests it.

On-Campus Resources



Off-Campus Resources

A student or employee seeking a sexual assault advocate outside of campus may reach out to:

  • Help Restore Hope Center, 24-hour hotline: 855-966-9723