13 media moments

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Colgate in the news

During the Year of ’13 has been covered by the global media more than ever. From picturesque Hamilton, N.Y., to Perth, Australia, students, faculty, and staff have been featured by major media outlets for their expertise and compelling stories.

This month’s Year of ’13 list focuses on a some of the fantastic media coverage, presented in no particular order.

1. Provost and Dean of the Faculty was interviewed for this . Hicks is the author of and is frequently called upon for his expertise on society and religion.

2. The exchange program between , organized through the efforts of professor , was featured in the .

3. While in Australia, professor was interviewed for a piece in that tells the story of the .” Kraly was also interviewed on about music, life, and ’s gift of 119 pieces of Noongar art to the John Curtin Gallery at Curtin University

4. listed as a collaborative campus by . Ray Nardelli, director of academic computing, tells the magazine how instructor-inspired mobile apps are promoting interactive learning.

5. , a new community project of the Living Writers series hosted by and , received coverage in the

6. was called upon for his expertise on Egypt in the article According to : “They need to create 600,000 new jobs each year just to absorb the new entrants to the labor market, and they don’t have the economy to generate that many jobs.”

7. In May, professor was tapped by the International Women’s Media Foundation for his expertise on . His briefing resulted in and this .

8. President co-authored an OpEd in the New York Times called He also co-authored an article about Africa called .”

9. Professor was interviewed for a . “They’re not going to care too much about whether this is a well-done adaptation,” she said about movie-goers. “They’re going to care about whether it’s a Hollywood blockbuster.”

10. reported on the Hamilton International Film Festival, happening at from August 1-4.

11. In a My Story essay in the New York Times, parent Steve Reddicliffe wrote about graduating from three different schools in the same year. His daughter, Anna Reddicliffe ’13, graduated from .

12. Professor joined New England Cable News  to discuss the link between the Boston Marathon bombing suspects and Chechen extremists. said Epstein.

13. The Christian Science Monitor featured the biblical expertise of, associate professor of religion & Jewish studies; director of Jewish studies for an article titled “.